When time comes, some good developers should be solution architect, not a developer. They need to focus on gluing the parts by analysing upcoming works. They will be very good lighthouse. If they stuck on being as a developer role for a long time they may become a blocker for the tasks to progress. Since they need to work on their tasks and in the mean time many tasks by others need to wait approval by him and others, however his approval is much more important since in many case our talented guy approved his talents. Even they prefer to make bad jokes intentionally that cause a task to be blocked couple of days, even shared documents does not help for some situations since some tricky points are not there and our guy knows it :) It is just fun for him. Being toxic and being blocker for many things does not help others and does not help project progress. Even, our guy may not live long in his/her field if he/she is really toxic, blocker, etc. If he continues this behaviour even Einstein would reject him :) And there is no limit for best of best of best of best of... the things. Life is short and we need a good life to the end, without toxics. I believe you made a good choice.