We live in a chaotic universe. Our brains, feelings are being formed based on events even in our mothers’ tummy. Narsisistics, sociapaths, psychopaths… are being developed naturally in this chaos. We also know epigenetic effects that changes the behaviour of same gene sets and pass these changings to offsprings. In this chaos, empathy also has a place to survive. Even we give our lives for others, ideas in this selfish, narsisistic world! This chaos is beyond white and black contrast. And I see that capitalism mostly rewards narsisistic, ambitious and clever people. They have really no limits, even morally. And the democracy is a big fake! You play democracy in US, UK, Germany.. but the people who come to the government, sell weapons to the world, even support dictators.. Whom do you choose to come to the government? Trump? Who is he? Democracy has become a new age morphine! Have you ever read Martin Eden, Jack London? Many time consuming jobs.. People spend their lives on those jobs and very limited time and energy to read books, criticize politics, ideas. Yes, capitalist social economical structure mirroring our natural chaotic existence. Also, as mentioned about epigenetics, environment has a big impact on the same genetic structure. In this chaos capitalism mostly reward limitless clever people and they continuously change the environment and this environment affects all humantiy and also The Earth. And this environment will eliminate empaths, I think. Also, in psyhology, we, humans, choose to behave according to our societies’ rules. In our environment we learn to buy buy buy buy shiny luxury phones etc. Yes, we learn it! In schools, children are bullying other children!
Also what is claiming rights? Are the rights god’s words?
Also, capitalism is “ divide et impera”! People are divided into one person! Unions are destroyed! In future, there is no need to use people in many areas, so what will happen?