Bitcoin and all other crypto based currencies are just a computer game. Just think of Age of Empires game or similar games, you can send gold or other financial values to other players in those games. In crypto currency area, we are just doing the same thing.
The miners are the real players. They produce the blocks and gain artificial artifacts. It is like digging gold in Age of Empires. At fixed rate you can dig some amount of gold, and also you can upgrade digging speed. There is two types of miners, the miner owners and brokers. Miner owners generally owns the pools and brokers are the work force in these pools.
Here, the tricky part is the crypto currency stock markets. Just think playing Age of Empires. Many competitor may have digged some amount of gold, wood, stone , etc… in the game. Lets think the Age of Empires Stock Market. There, I can sell wood, gold, stone, they are exchangable with each other in Age of Empires. But in crypto currency market I can sell them by the exchange of real money. If you are a miner or broker, you can sell the artifical items in exchange of real money regulary in these stock markets. The main issue here is the paying tax for these regular income.
In some open world games, you can create some artifical items for those games and sell them in exchange real money. If this has become an regular income for you, you must learn how to pay taxes in you country’s regulations.
I hope you just enjoyed for this very brief article :)
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