Good, Bad, Normal, Abnormal, Chaos, Order, Possibility, Determinism, Choice, Fate, Beauty, Ugly, Genius, Stupid, Fair, Unfair, Just, Unjust, Control, Uncontrol, Angel, Evil, Real, Unreal..

Cem Yasar
4 min readJun 9, 2019


You see, the title looks chaotic but also relational chaotic. Chaos sometimes tells more and sometimes goes beyond far from what it is used to tell. Words create infinite ideas, infinite sentences, infinite paragraphs, books. The words in this title, you may have encountered countless ideas, books, stories, adventures, happiness, sadness, advices about them. You may have listened lots of lots of compliments and upcoming limitless awards about some ideas around some words in this title. However, you may not find any ideal way to be honored nor followed in this article. Since, by this article the only award is to try to understand what we are really in this chaotic universe…

We have been growing up in religious societies. Christian, Budist, Muslim, Jewish,… . We have been told that there is a great justice in this unjust world. Otherwise how religions can continue for decades. We have been trying to reach ideal justice, heavens and hells. We try to be undeath agains to death. We deeply want the ideal, surreal, perfect infinite universes. We cannot resist to bitterness of realities. Some may ask what is real, as Morpheus asked. Also, the words “Real”, “Unreal” were added to the title just a moment ago after this sentence. I thought to add “Perfect” and “Imperfect” to the title also but I did not add, yet here you read it. As humanity, we dream all the time, we dream to create prefect worlds of our own to live within and to die for these ideas or dreams. However, not all of us, some good dreamers dream ideas and try others to believe on those dreams or ideas.

Beyond dreams, beyond ideas, beyond religions.. Lets think again, we are born without our choice. We are born in families without our choice. We are born in societies without our choice. Half of our DNA is coming from one of our father’s millions sperms. Half of our DNA is coming from one of our mother’s hundred thousands of eggs. Our physical appearances take shapes without our choice. Our intelligence is out of our choice. The many events we encounter from even in our mothers’ tummy are beyond our choices. So, please ask yourself, who are you or what are you? Are you the one who shapes itself, who shapes it’s ideas, feelings, physiology? You may be so beautiful, handsome, genius, good or bad, stupid, ugly. Are you in charge with all of these things make you who you are or what you are? Are you very proud of being beautiful, handsome or being very intelligent? You make choices, you very deeply feel it when you choose to do or not to do something. Why do someone choose to do the same way as you do but others do not? Good or bad? Good means kindness, feeling empathy and respect to others’ lives. Why some people do not respect others’ lives and always choose to being bad to others?

Many thanks to scientists who have mainly showed that our brains are the answer to all chaos. Since, many neurological network is the result of these chaotic events. Our brains, our feelings, our intelligence are programmed naturally on those chaotic events as mentioned even from our mother’s tummy. As a result our choices are created by this chaotically programmed brains. Someday in the future, may be as humanity, we try to create ideal heavens in this chaotic universe based on more powerful scientific facts. Yet, as even mentioned in some movies, books..when you try to create ideal heavens by destroying all evil with prejudice, you may also destroy all necessities which are the elements to create heaven like places. As you know, without volcanos there will never be newer, more richer islands on Earth. Also, remember the story that, you may save a child‘s live, but in future the same child may kill you and others. Means, even being good all the times will never guarantee the future. However, if you do respect others’ lives, have feeling empathy to others’ lives, you even sacrifice yourself. You will choose according to your ideas and feelings, which are your elements, which make you what you are. You do not have power to shape yourself, as mentioned. Your intelligence, your comprehension, your physiology… are not in your hands. They are which make you what you are. During your life, according to those chaotic relations, your shape continuously differentiate and you will do the choices based on those shapes. Some people may change 180 degree from evil to good or vice versa. These transformations are beyond in the hands of mankind, and the choices are made by those shapes.

Nietzsche wrote the ideas beyond good and evil but here I do not recommend “will to power”. I recommend to understand chaos and possibilities. “Willing to power” is one of possibilities. In this article there is no infinite heavens or hells. If you want infinite heavens you will also create infinite hells. By doing so you will only believe on dreams, and you will be judging the events with extreme prejudice. However, science is our torch, which will only show the realities and I am happy to understand realities rather not to believe nor to create infinite heavens or hells.



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