Tam Otomasyon, İnsansızlaştırma?İnsanlığın şu anki genel işleyişinde, sürekli bir çekişme, çatışma ve yarış içerisindeyiz. Bu yarışlarda zaman zaman kazanan ya da…Feb 12Feb 12
A Brief Summary of Domain Driven DesignHi, in this article I try to tell what I have learnt from Eric Evans’ Domain Driven Design concepts. Domain Driven Design, by its nature…Jun 24, 2024Jun 24, 2024
Simple Baremetal Kubernetes Dashboard with IngressHi, in this article I will share my baremetal experiments on Kubernetes and try to explain the parts(resources) that I used to figure out…Nov 19, 2022Nov 19, 2022
.NET NSubstitute Returns Multiple Async ResultIn this post I have shared a challenge to create a unit test which will have a method returning different results in consecutive calls. For…Jul 28, 2022Jul 28, 2022
.NET Polly Retry &Circuit Breaker Resilience LibraryRecently I have used Polly Lib. It is very elegant libary to wrap any method execution with Polly Library’s retry, circuit breaker, timeout…Jul 17, 20221Jul 17, 20221
Spring Boot Multiple Authentication Filter By Overriding Keycloak Authentication FilterIf you want to use Keycloak in your application, at the backend side you will extend KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. If you apply…Apr 21, 2022Apr 21, 2022
Java Selective Lock By ConcurrentHashMap and ReentranLockIn the previos posts, I have shared simple .NET solution about selective lock mechanism by using ConcurrentDictionary. Here, I share…Apr 9, 2022Apr 9, 2022
The Bitcoin GameBitcoin and all other crypto based currencies are just a computer game. Just think of Age of Empires game or similar games, you can send…Jan 18, 2022Jan 18, 2022
Kubernetes ÜzerineDağıtık yapıları ve özellikle konteyner üzerinden otomatik yönetilen mikroservis uygulamalarını cluster(küme) içerisinde barındıran…Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020